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Lessons for Middle School

The Success Bound curriculum engages middle grade students in exploring who they are to embark on a bold path to reach their goals.

By the end of 6th grade, your students will...

  • Build connections between their interests, values, and goals for the future
  • Develop a sense of ownership over their grades and attendance
  • Explore tools and strategies for navigating challenges in the middle grades both in an outside of school
  • Explore options for college and career pathways
  • Build a plan and success team to support them throughout middle school

By the end of 7th grade, your students will...

  • Create a plan for achieving academic and personal goals
  • Understand the relevance of grades and attendance to their high school and postsecondary goals
  • Develop foundational skills to support academic success and personal well-being
  • Identify possible postsecondary pathways aligned with their interests and values
  • Learn how to hold themselves accountable for continued growth toward their personal and academic goals

By the end of 8th grade, your students will...

  • Learn strategies for navigating setbacks to achieve their goals
  • Understand how academic expectations in high school differ from middle school
  • Develop leadership skills to promote individual and collective well-being both in and out of school
  • Develop potential postsecondary plans and outline the steps to pursue them
  • Feel prepared for the transition to high school

Hear from staff and students in the Chicago Public School District about their experiences with Success Bound.

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The Success Bound curriculum was based on research and best practices around adolescent development, self-exploration principles, high school & postsecondary exploration, and foundational skill development for all learners. For more information on the philosophies and frameworks that ground our work, click here.